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Power unit lift
We carried out a power unit lift from 50030 on 29th September 2020, after much background preparation which we covered in recent issues of our newsletter. The full story of the day and more pictures are now available for all to view as of June 2021 (previously they were exclusive to our members), but if you want to access to future member-only, you'll need to join RRRG. This photo from RRRG Electrical Officer Andy Rowlands gives a flavour of the effort as we lifted not just the existing power unit out of 50030 but also the 50008 power unit which we have been working on outside 50029/50030. This was in order to split the main generator off this unit so it could be despatched for overhaul. We also took the opportunity to remove one turbocharger from this unit so that it too could be sent for overhaul.

RRRG now sells Hornby models
RRRG are pleased to announce that we have been accepted as a Hornby reseller. Whilst we will be placing a number of Hornby items on our online shop, we are able to accept direct requests for items from the Hornby catalogue which we will be able to offer at a very keen price. As such, if you are interested in any Hornby items please contact our sales department and we will investigate what price we can offer you. We cannot guarantee to beat the major model stockists such as Hattons or Rails of Sheffield but we will do our best, and you can also be assured that the profits will go directly into restoring 50029 and 50030.
We buy model trains and aircraft
Renown Repulse Restoration Group sells a large quantity of new and secondhand model trains on our sales stand at railway galas and on the internet. We also sell aircraft kits on the internet. Whilst we obviously prefer donations of sales stock, we are prepared to purchase collections as well.
Please let us know if you have any models you would like to sell. We will offer you a very competitive price and you can rest assured your cherished models are being bought by fellow enthusiasts and that the profits will be invested in the restoration of Renown and Repulse. Please fill in this form if you have some models you would like us to quote you a price for.