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Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Color has a deprecated constructor in /mnt/data/vhosts/ on line 11
Issue 33

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; plgContentShareThis has a deprecated constructor in /mnt/data/vhosts/ on line 47

RRRG new website top logo resized


Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; plgContentShareThis has a deprecated constructor in /mnt/data/vhosts/ on line 47

RRRG report for The Peak Express February 2013, Issue 33

Work during this reporting period has concentrated on the overhaul of the ex-50008 power unit. Since the last report we have fitted the inlet manifolds and intake pipes, the exhaust system (apart from the parts which go to the intercoolers and turbos) and the cooling system pipes. We have also purchased a fuel injector tester and calibration fluid, and Ian is now in the process of learning how to use it.  He has been working through our stock of injectors striping cleaning and replacing nozzles with new ones, setting break off pressure, and undertaking a chatter test, leak off test and fitting new O ring seals and washers.

On the electrical front the only actual work undertaken on 50030 has been to fit a new Z70 resistor. Work is however still progressing off site on the reworking of both the CU2 and CU5 control units. Following the work with Noel Craigen last summer looking at our KV10s (see previous report) we have been advised that he has developed a modification to the KV10 for the ETH supply which removes most of the old unreliable components and should result in a far more reliable devise. A trial unit has been made by Noel and fitted into another preserved Class 50, following discussion within the group we have decided to take up the option of having one of our poor condition KV10s modified in this manner, since the rebuild process uses practically nothing of the original unit apart from the case, heat sink and thyristor.  An order has been approved for this and the overhaul of one of our CU1s. Work has also been progressing on stripping the spare electrical cubicle that was purchased last summer of reusable components.

Work has also been progressing on replacing the badly damaged conduit runs in the generator room. These have all been removed and along with the other sets of conduits that we have obtained over the years have been sorted. We are now working through these, cleaning to bare metal, servicing all of the joints, refitting missing fittings, etc, and making them up into complete runs, five of which have been completed to date. All of the floor mounted studs have been straightened, cleaned, rethreaded and fitted with replacement nuts, 50 or so of the conduit clamps have been cleaned and repainted, and the steel protecting cover that goes over the conduits has been cleaned and repainted

Finally the cab roof and vestibules in no 2 cab have been top coated as efforts extend in getting this cab to the same stage as no 1 cab.

On the non-technical front, the RRRG sales stand has had a busy winter period attending 6 Toy Fairs over the period around Christmas, and having 6 outings to various galas during the Autumn period. A significant amount of work has also been put into the new website and its online shop which is starting to pay dividends, the address is as before.