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Accurascale Class 55 Deltic

We are pleased to announce that we will be offering the new Accurascale Class 55 Deltic model for sale. Like the sister Class 50 model in the range, this is a highly realistic model which has been revised and updated to take into account feedback on the original version from modellers. There will be four variants of this 1:76 OO scale model available from us, with RRRG members being eligible for a discounted price of £153 (DCC ready variant)/£239 (DCC fitted variant) at delivery time compared to the RRRP of £170 and £260 respectively. Shipping will be at cost and advised at the time the full balance becomes due. Please see our dedicated page about this model for further information. You can secure your order for this model from us by placing a deposit.
Accurascale Class 50

RRRG is pleased to announce that we can offer the new Accurascale Class 50 model for sale. This is a highly realistic and detailed 1:76 OO scale model available in 6 different variations. We are currently taking pre-orders with a deposit of £50 payable towards the total price with RRRG members being eligible for an additional discount (shipping will be at cost and advised at the time payment of the balance is required). Please see our dedicated page about this model for further information on available variants, full specification and pricing.
Home page
Welcome to the new Renown Repulse Restoration Group website. Take a look round, we're using this site to report the latest developments from our project and the news from our interim website which this site has now replaced. We have an online shop which you are welcome to browse even if you're not an RRRG member. You need to join us to view certain content as well as to obtain discounts in the shop. We've tried to give the best prices possible in the shop but remember that the money we raise is going directly to fund our preservation project! Why not browse our photo gallery which shows the painstaking efforts and high standards we are aiming for in our project? We hope you will be impressed enough to want to become a member but at the very least, thanks for visiting us!
Membership of RRRG
RRRG welcomes new members and supporters. They are the lifeblood of our project, whether by volunteering and getting your hands dirty or helping to finance what is a very expensive project. Some of the questions we often get asked is "When will 50030 be ready?" and "Why is it taking so long?" Take a look around our picture gallery showing the restoration work we're doing. Read our reports for Peak Rail's house magazine The Peak Express on our progress. It's a very thorough job and that's why it's taking so long! We intend 50030 to be a brand new locomotive inside with a very long and secure future ahead of it in preservation. Partly this is through choice and partly it's the situation we found ourselves in given the neglect the locomotives suffered since withdrawal from BR. The date that 50030 re-enters service will depend on a number of factors such as available finance and volunteers, however we have no intention of quitting the project.
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How to help RRRG
RRRG membership conveys benefits and the purchase of shares brings additional entitlements over and above membership alone, as detailed in our Shareholder benefits page. Share purchases are extremely important to RRRG as they help us fund our project. If you don't wish to purchase a share for £100 in one go, we strongly encourage you to set up a standing order in favour of the Group. This can be for as little as £5 or £10 per month but your contribution will go towards share purchases unless you instruct us otherwise. Standing orders give us regular income and help us plan our expenditure and as such we encourage all our members and supporters to set up a monthly standing order in our favour!
Please note that RRRG membership applications are handled exclusively by the site registration system (rather than the online shop). Please visit the registration page to purchase membership.