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RRRG new website top logo resized


I joined RRRG in 2002 just as the Group was getting started and before we had formally made a bid for the assets of Operation Collingwood that were up for sale, namely 50029, 50030 and some odd bits and pieces.  At the time I had always wanted to do something like this, to be involved in a project from the start and try to make it successful.  I don't remember Class 50s in BR service as my interest in the railway didn't start until the mid-1990s and a lot of my interest was from the social side - to make new friends and to meet like-minded people.  I'm glad to say my involvement with RRRG has fulfilled my wishes in this regard.  I am a life member of the Group and I am fully committed to ensuring this project succeeds.


Until May 2014 I was based in Reading, Berks doing science work but I decided to completely change my scenery and I now live in Bury, Greater Manchester and I am a driver for Manchester's Metrolink light rail network.

I felt my main contribution would be organisation and administrative duties: there are others who are better at the restoration side than me.  But I have been responsible for much of the work on this website and together with Tim, devising new ways to make money for RRRG in order to fund the project and facilitating/staffing the RRRG sales stand.  I'm glad to be part of the team that is making serious progress on this challenging project and together the RRRG Committee makes a formidable combination of skills.