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Membership of RRRG

RRRG new website top logo resized


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RRRG welcomes new members and supporters.  They are the lifeblood of our project, whether by volunteering and getting your hands dirty or helping to finance what is a very expensive project.  Some of the questions we often get asked is "When will 50030 be ready?" and "Why is it taking so long?"  Take a look around our picture gallery showing the restoration work we're doing.  Read our reports for Peak Rail's house magazine The Peak Express on our progress.  It's a very thorough job and that's why it's taking so long!  We intend 50030 to be a brand new locomotive inside with a very long and secure future ahead of it in preservation.  Partly this is through choice and partly it's the situation we found ourselves in given the neglect the locomotives suffered since withdrawal from BR.  The date that 50030 re-enters service will depend on a number of factors such as available finance and volunteers, however we have no intention of quitting the project.

So what can you do to help?  Membership of RRRG typically costs £15 for one year or £25 for two, with which you will get three issues of the Group newsletter per year giving progress updates and reports, discounts on some Group merchandise (which are automatically applied in the online shop on this site if you are an RRRG member), access to the special members' area of this web site and that warm, fuzzy feeling that you are helping a leading diesel preservation project.  You will find RRRG highly rewarding!

Membership can be bought through the registration function of this site, or alternatively send a cheque/postal order payable to "Renown Repulse Restoration Group", to:

Dominic Jackson, RRRG Membership

18 Coniston Drive, Bury, LANCASHIRE BL9 9PX

You will find a membership form to print out on this site if you want to apply by post.  You might want to read the RRRG Constitution first just to ensure you understand the legal framework of RRRG.  Also check out our Shareholder benefits!  We look forward to welcoming you as a member.

Help make this posed shot become reality!

Join RRRG today!
